Tuesday Morning, 3AM

After realizing I was still way behind on sleep debt, I decided to go to bed early last night. I think it was around 10:00. Then in the middle of the night, my phone got an alert from our monitoring system at work. I dragged myself out of bed, checked whether I could get onto the system remotely, and saw that it wasn’t responding to anything but pings.


So I threw on the first clothes I found and drove in to the office at a quarter to three in the morning so I could get the server running again.

I never assume that I’m going to be the only one in the office anymore. Some of my co-workers tend to keep late hours (though none so late as the guy who actually slept during the day and came in around the time everyone else went home). And once I was in around midnight to deal with another server crash, and another coworker walked in with a bunch of his friends. They were on the way back from somewhere and he’d stopped to pick something up.

I didn’t see anyone last night, but this morning I got asked by another coworker, “So, what were you doing in so early this morning?” He’d been working late and just crashed at the office instead of going home. Apparently he woke up just enough to see me when I walked by.

NaNO Sleep

Writing 1666 words a day is hard. Writing 1800-2500 or more because you’ve fallen behind is harder. Throw in work, traffic, voting, food, and other plans, and it gets really hard.

The last time I got a good night’s sleep was Saturday. I missed my chance to write Sunday morning, and a trip to see a movie turned into an all-day event, so I didn’t get started until evening. I think I was up until 1:30. Monday evening was a marathon session, and I think I finished around midnight. Tuesday I didn’t get a chance to start until 11pm, and I was determined to get at least a few paragraphs down, which turned into a couple of pages. 12:30? 1:00?

It’s taking its toll.

Today I skipped my weekly trip to the comic store during lunch hour, because I knew I wouldn’t have time to read anything tonight. alenxa and I were contemplating grabbing coffee on the way home, but eventually decided to skip the Flashback Feature showing of Dr. Strangelove and just put it on Netflix. Even though we were home, we still taped Lost as both of us went into writing mode.

I broke 10,000 words today, the 20% mark. And I added some more characters, which will help me figure out what’s actually going on in the middle of the story. I figured out where it’s going Sunday night, but how it gets there is still pretty nebulous. I managed to do some good character bits today that actually set up a scene I’d already written better than what I had before.

I’m not quite on track, but I’m getting there. I think I’ll take a cue from Girl Genius and describe it as Doom Level: Middling. Goal identified, but still determining course. Almost caught up with word count. Major sleep debt, but finally getting to bed before midnight.

Crap, I need to figure out what’s going on with the villain. So far I don’t know any more than the main characters do, and they don’t know much.

Word Count: 11471

Current Mood: 🙁exhausted


Up too late repeatedly this week. (What else is new?) Tuesday night it was writing down ideas for a joke website (which will remain nameless until it’s a bit further along). Sometimes when I’m trying to go to sleep my mind will start writing. Often it’ll be some rant about something that’s been bugging me, or sometimes it’ll be about something I found interesting, or an email to send someone, or ideas for my website. The problem is that I generally don’t pick these up again the next day, and I had some good ideas. I’m still kicking myself for completely forgetting what I was absolutely convinced would be a great stand-alone website idea, so obvious I wouldn’t have to write it down, and… well, I should have written it down.

So Tuesday night I got up and wrote stuff down.

And last night I finished the taxes. I’d done a rough draft a few weeks ago, just to confirm we were getting a refund that could significantly finance our vacation, but put off finishing the federal taxes and doing the state taxes, which are usually simpler… only the rules about deducting interest paid on student loans are different. CA only lets you deduct interest payments during the first 60 months of repayment, and I graduated in 1999, so I had to track down exactly when the loan went into repayment in order to figure out whether I could deduct the whole amount, or whether I had to estimate 11 months, 10 months, etc. In the end I had to run everything through another 1-page worksheet that exactly cancelled out the decuction, so it didn’t really matter when the 60-month cutoff date fell.

Sometimes I think tax preparers must have lobbyists in Congress and at the state level, trying to make sure the forms are as complicated as possible. I know it’s mostly about incentives, encouraging or rewarding certain types of behavior, but taking a different cut from every type of income seems a bit extreme.

Anyway, about a half hour ago I realized I was staring dumbly at the monitor here. The energy rushes from morning, breakfast, and lunch had each worn off, and when I finally got around to heading for the lunch room I was very glad to find there was still coffee. (I can’t even remember the last time I had work coffee.) It reminds me, actually, of college, when the class I was most likely to fall asleep in was generally the one mid-afternoon. Of course, now that I think about it, the only classes I can remember sleeping in on a regular basis were Early American Literature (with the exception of Ben Franklin’s autobiography, it was a slog) and, a class on Old English. It doesn’t fit the pattern, because it was mid-morning, and the subject was fascinating. And I really hated falling asleep in there, because aside from the interesting subject matter, it was a 10-person class held around a conference table in a tiny office.

Well, I guess it’s back to battling with server hardware.

Current Mood: 😴sleepy
Current Music: does the jet engine on my desk count?


Stay up ridiculously late, collapse in bed, drop off to sleep. That’s the way it’s supposed to work. Not spend another hour-plus tossing & turning.

I “woke up” his morning unsure of just how long it took me to fall asleep last night, but somehow convinced that all I had to do was look at the modification time on the most recently changed files in… something. My brain, probably.

Then I went back to sleep.

Eventually I woke up and realized that the file timestamp thing was just plain silly. Kind of like the time a few years back that I half-woke up, convinced (probably from an interrupted dream) that I could manipulate reality by altering its HTML code.

Anyway, I know there are people on my friends list who have serious insomnia, and I just want to say: I salute you. I don’t know how you put up with it on a regular basis.

Current Mood: 😴sleepy
Current Music: A radio commercial put the Nutcracker Suite in my head. Grr.