Yesterday morning I got a tetanus shot. No pressing reason, just it was time to renew. By lunchtime it hurt. like. hell. To the point where I was using my right hand to position my left arm on the desk so that I could type without moving anything above my elbow. Driving home was “fun.” I think it was worst last night — trying to find a comfortable sleeping position was “fun” too — but it’s not exactly fantastic this morning either.
I seriously considered staying home if it was still bad enough to make driving difficult, until I remembered it was Microsoft Patch Day. Then I started seriously considering looking up the bus schedule. It seemed to go better this morning, but that was under the influence of aspirin.
This morning I got in and discovered that our database for spam filter training had collected enough bad data that it was consistently labeling a ton of spam with a 0% rating. Trying to reset it led to ~45 minutes of various services either not working or having to be disabled so that other services could work, and of course phone calls. (In the middle of that, alenxa called and I had to cut her off. Sorry!) On the plus side, it looks like part of the performance problems we’ve been having are related to the large size of the database, so it should run more smoothly for a while.
Edit to add: Also, got a response from a customer to whom I asked several questions in the for X or Y? — all of which were answered “yes” or “no.” Yes to X or yes to Y? *grumble*
Email seems under control for now. Off to deal with patch day. *Le sigh*