The annoying one

The annoying commenter is back with more tech support questions. alenxa convinced me I should be more diplomatic in my response, which is probably the right way to go. But I’ve saved the reply I wanted to make, just for its high snark content.

For the record, I don’t mind high-volume commenters if they’re on topic (like Kizi, for instance, who was only really high-volume while catching up on back posts and has settled into a regular-reader-and-commenter mode). I don’t even mind topic drift, but it really annoys me when someone tries to hijack a topic.

Maybe it’s just that I hate doing tech support, particularly when I can’t sit down at the computer and try to figure things out. It’s about 20% knowledge, 30% research skills, and 50% intuition — and that intuition only works if I can mess around with the computer in question. And I do more than enough tech support at work.


LiveJournal back up? Check.
Phone line back up? Check.
DSL connection stable? Check.
Fixed Ticketmaster order? Mostly.
Pick up PowerBook? ….

Well, I figured UPS would drop by in the early afternoon, so my original plan was to come home for lunch and hope they showed up while I was here. When the phone crapped out and I needed to schedule an SBC tech to come out, I figured 1-5 was a good idea for the same reason. Of course, UPS got here at 11:30, long before I did. So now I’m trying to arrange to pick it up, but because it’s still in the truck, I have to wait until 8:00 before I can get it.

I’m beginning to think I should have just signed for it, only I didn’t want to leave a $1600 computer sitting outside the front door. I suppose I could still just go in at lunch tomorrow.

Back to Ticketmaster: Aimee Mann concert in Anaheim on June 12. Somehow ended up with tickets to her concert in Atlanta on June 16. Last night they told me my order had gotten switched with someone else’s, but today they said I had confirmed it that way on the website. I suppose it’s possible, since I was rushing through the order the night before the wedding, but still… Atlanta? Anyway, even though they say no refunds or exchanges, they will make exceptions in extreme circumstances (like tickets to the right show on the wrong side of the country!), so I have 10 days to send the wrong tickets back.

Anyway, now that the phone line’s working again, it’s time to head back to work.

Current Mood: 😡frustrated

Giving Blood

In the past several years, I’ve gotten mosquito bites in exactly two places:

1. The Foster Botanical Garden in Honolulu. The first day we were in Hawaii, it seemed like I was bitten by every mosquito in the park. The rest of the bugs on the island must have decided I’d been tapped out, because no new bites appeared all week. Of course, the ones I had stayed with me for about a month.

2. Outside alenxa’s parents’ house. Repeatedly.

Maybe it’s just that I don’t spend a lot of time standing around in shorts outside at night. (With three cats in the house, I basically can’t stay inside for more than a few minutes without breaking out the Benadryl.) Or maybe they really do have more mosquitoes there than we do. But lately it seems that every time we go over there, I come back with bug bites. That. Won’t. Stop. Itching.

You know, this might actually be a use for emergency pants. Or just bug repellent.

Strange Phone

Around 11:15, alenxa noticed the “in use” light on our main phone was on. Figuring we had a phone off the hook, she went and checked, but both other phones were properly hung up.

As near as I can tell, the “in use” light just means “no dial tone” – it turns on when you unplug the phone, for instance (it’s got an AC adapter to power the answering machine). So the next assumption was that the line was down… but strangely, the DSL was running. OK, so maybe one of the filters or adapters had gone back. I went unplugging everything I could, leaving each phone in turn as the only device hooked up, but the line still sounded completely dead.

Next step: Call SBC on the cell phone, navigate their menu, and hit the wrong option just before actually reporting a problem. Swear, decide to wait a few minutes and see what happens, get back to reading and notice, hey, it’s telling me doesn’t exist? Look over at the DSL modem and watch it syncing up.

After a few rounds of this, I decided it was time to call again. Once again through the menus, up to the point of reporting a problem, then it asks for the type of problem, and I realize we haven’t actually tested an incoming call. So instead of “dead line or no incoming calls” I choose “no outgoing calls” and (as SBC starts running a test on the line) I ask Katie if she’ll try calling the home number, just for kicks. As she’s getting her phone, the voice comes back, saying “we have found the problem. We will need to schedule an appointment with an SBC technician…”

Great. So it’s not back *and* they need to send someone out to fix it. But as I’m walking back into the other room, I notice the “in use” light is off again, and then the phone rings (Katie in the next room).

SBC continues to explain that the problem appears to be with the wiring at this end, and I can either fix it myself or have SBC come out to fix it, and I can test whether it’s SBC’s wiring or my wiring that’s broken by going out to the switch box (as if I have access to the switch box for my apartment building) and hooking up a phone there, and would I like to schedule an appointment… and meanwhile I’m checking the phones and getting perfectly serviceable dialtones.

So there’s a problem with the wiring at this end, but their automated, remote test cleared it up.

Well, at least we can receive calls again (and the DSL doesn’t seem to be going down every 3 minutes).

Current Mood: 😕confused

Give me a break

Folding laundry (having left it sitting on the bed all evening, forgotten). I have three sets of nearly-identical socks. After sorting through the two sizes of black socks and the dark-dark-dark blue socks that match one of the black sets, I discovered:


I am missing one of each set.

Current Mood: 😡annoyed