After mycroftca:

LA Insider
You scored 78 Angelenos!
Good job; you have quite extensive knowledge of the LA area. Any of your friends can call you when they’re lost and need directions in LA. While you know LA about as well as anyone, keep exploring because LA has more secrets that you have yet to uncover.
Hope you enjoyed the test!

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 25% on Angelenos

Link: The Los Angeles Metro Area Test written by naturallawyer on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Probably about right.

I don’t know which is more annoying about these quizzes: being asked to join a dating site every time I take one (though I’m perfectly aware that the purpose of the quizzes is simply viral marketing), or having to hide the banner ads whenever I decide to fill it out at work. Still, they’re higher quality than the stuff you typically find at Quizilla.

(Hmm, is an angeleno anything like a neutrino? Using it as the scoring unit makes it sound like some sort of particle for Star Trek to use as a plot device.)

Ten Things

In the footsteps of alenxa, maldis, and sekl, LiveJournal proudly presents:


  1. Played Paul Gaugin in a musical.
  2. Gotten a cease-and-desist letter over a website.
  3. Watched the Olympic torch bearer run down my street. (In 1984, the route went right past my apartment complex. I have pictures.)
  4. Visited the crypt of the Capuchin Monks (links arranged in order of increasing photo/text ratio) [Note 2017: How appropriate that all three of those links are now dead.]
  5. Read Heart of Darkness four times.
  6. Seen Les Misérables (the musical) eight times.
  7. Gambled in the Grand Casino in Monte Carlo. (OK, so it was just 50 francs in a slot machine.)
  8. Run six or seven versions of Linux on the same computer, simultaneously.
  9. Been allergic to someone I dated.
  10. Made a telescope.

Native Trickster

I Am Coyote
Coyote is a fun-loving goofball and that fits you to a T. Playfully silly, you appear somewhat bumbling at times, and your goofy exterior sometimes makes people forget what a quick mind and razor wit hides behind that amiable grin. In the mythos of the Plains tribes, Coyote is also a Creator, and stole fire as a gift for mankind. Your gift to the world is the creative fire of your quick, capable mind.

Which Trickster Are You?
Take the Trickster Test at www.isleofdreams.net.

Well, considering that when I hear the word “trickster” my first thought is generally “coyote,” it makes sense…

Current Mood: 🙂amused