Into the Rainy North

Final preparations are underway for our first vacation of the year.  We’ll be heading up to the Bay Area this week, hitting Hearst Castle, Monterey & Carmel, San Jose and San Francisco and visiting my brother brionv and his fiancee, my aunt, and sekl and non_seqvitvr. We’ll also be attending WonderCon for the second time.  We had fun last year, but figured on making it an occasional trip rather than something annual.  Then we decided to go visit people in the area, and found out the best week (i.e. when   was going to be done with her current job) was going to be the week leading up to the convention.  If we were going to be in San Francisco anyway, the con was cheap, so we might as well go.  (Then the perfect timing became irrelevant, but we had already bought tickets to the con, and I’d already arranged for the time off, so we were at least partly anchored to this weekend in San Francisco.)

It looks like this trip is certainly going to mirror last year’s trip in one more aspect: rain.  Someday we’ll have to schedule a trip up north at a time that it’s expected to be sunny.  (I’m guessing February isn’t it.)

Back from the Con

We got back from San Diego last night. Grabbed El Pollo Loco for dinner at something like 9:30. Need more sleep. Meanwhile, between wifi in the hotel and wifi in the convention center(!), I’ve been blogging the experience in two places, neither of them LJ:

Of particular interest to people on this flist, I suspect, would be alenxa’s hall costume from Friday: The Paper.

Katie as Yomiko Readman aka The Paper

Current Mood: 🙁exhausted


Off to Wizard World Los Angeles tomorrow. At first alenxa wasn’t interested and I wasn’t sure — we’d just been to WonderCon last month, after all. Eventually I figured I might as well go. It is the closest comics convention to where we live. Then the con managed to get a certain actor to show up for the Heroes panel, so it’s going to be both of us.

With luck it will be a bit more… alive than last year (though admittedly, I went on a Sunday last year), but not be too crowded.

Comic Con ♥ Avenue Q

I’ve been checking weekly at the Ahmanson Theater website to find out when individual tickets go on sale for Avenue Q. (alenxa and I saw the abbreviated version in Las Vegas last year, and it was great.) They have season subscriptions open, but they’re in the form of shows A,B&C + your choice of shows D,E&F… and I’m only interested in shows A,D&E. (I forget which shows Katie wanted to see, but B&C weren’t on her list, either.)

Last night I decided to see what Ticketmaster said about when tickets would open. On searching for the show, I discovered that the tour stops in San Diego this month. All month. Downtown. Right next to a trolley stop, across the street from Horton Plaza, and within walking distance of the convention center.

So, bird in the hand and all that. After last year’s Wicked-at-OCPAC fiasco, I didn’t want to risk missing the show because the entire LA run sold out before I could get to it. I bought the tickets for San Diego, and we’re going to go Wednesday night after picking up our badges.

On a related note: They Might Be Giants tickets are on sale now for an LA concert on October 3, and they’re scheduled to be in Anaheim on October 5. Anyone interested?

Current Music: “Super Girl,” Gin Blossoms
Current Location: work

Vacation: Week 1

Long story short, alenxa needed to use up some vacation time, fast, so we ended up taking two weeks at the end of March.  Unfortunately, we didn’t realize until later that our tickets for Wicked were smack in the middle (tonight, to be precise), which meant no two-week trip because I didn’t want to go through the hassle of trying to exchange the tickets.

We’ll be going to Las Vegas next week.  This week was mostly hanging around, not having to go to work.

Saturday: Helped andrea_wot move into her new apartment.  Later drank my annual Murphy’s Stout in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.

Sunday: I went to Wizard World LA.  My con report got linked on The Beat.

Monday-Wednesday: Expeditions to Halloween Club (Katie’s planning a new costume for Comic-Con) and Fry’s (new video card).  Hooked up the spare monitor my brother gave us when he moved to Florida.  Discovered our current switch setup couldn’t handle more than 1024×768 without serious ghosting.  Back to Fry’s for a new switch. Watched several more episodes of Battlestar Galactica season one.  Invented a drink: 1 shot mango rum, splash of orange liqueur, fill the rest of the way with 1 part pineapple juice, 1 part cream soda, leaving room for a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

5 Minute Wait!Thursday: Disneyland — for the first time in maybe 5 years.  There are definite advantages to visiting in the off-season, during a weekday… like the 5-minute wait for Pirates of the Caribbean.  Thankfully, the changes to align it with the movies were minimally invasive, and the last view of Jack Sparrow demonstrates some seriously impressive motion capture.  Some other nice updates to Haunted Mansion and Jungle Cruise.  The new “wildest ride in the wilderness!” recording at Big Thunder Mountain, however, is a travesty.  Splash Mountain and the train were closed.  They seem to be piratifying Tom Sawyer’s island.  Pirates, Indy and Big Thunder kept breaking down, but we still managed to hit all three (some of them twice).  It was odd to see fruit carts all over the place.  It’s actually possible to eat mostly healthy food at Disneyland now.  Finished off the day with dinner at the Blue Bayou.

Friday: Took the car in in preparation for the road trip.  Then spent the rest of the day hanging out at home.  I mostly worked on my website, while Katie mostly tried out new games.

Now I’m looking at the pre-trip to-do list, trying to figure out how I’m going to get everything done in the next two days and go up to LA tonight and get together with friends tomorrow.  (And yes, “post to LiveJournal” is on the list.  One item to cross off!)

Future Con

Hmmm… a co-worker has informed me that he just made hotel reservations for next year’s Comic Con (this year’s having ended yesterday)… and that some of the nearby hotels are already sold out!

alenxa and I pre-registered for next year’s convention yesterday (avoiding deadline issues and saving $50 over the at-the-door price for a full membership). It might be worth planning further ahead…

Current Mood: 🤔contemplative