I picked up the PowerBook! It took me most of my lunch break to get up to the UPS center to pick it up and get back home to drop it off, so all I’ve done is open the box. It looks like I’ll be eating at my desk today.
Tag: computers
Finally got the text of the ceremony from the minister! I’d been worrying that it might have gotten tossed in a spam filter or something.
As it turns out, it came close. SpamCop has listed at least one of Adelphia’s outgoing servers (fortunately I don’t block on that), and the message was sent using software that triggered the “suspicious characters” test in MIMEDefang. (I disabled blocking on that way back when I first set up MIMEDefang, because there are too many programs out there that don’t format things quite right.)
On top of all that, the message was attached with UUencode, which I haven’t seen in ages. I was able to extract the file, but it seems no one has bothered to build uudecode functionality into KMail on the grounds that “This type of encoding is deprecated since MIME was invented… [in] June 1992.”
More proof that old software never really dies….