Best Buyer?

Got an email from Best Buy today that appears to be legit, inviting me to some "elite level" of their rewards program that "rewards our best customers for shopping at Best Buy stores."

I find this odd, because as best as I can figure, I’ve only made two purchases at a Best Buy since the last Christmas shopping season:

1. A new digital camera and accessories in July, just before Comic-Con, to replace one which had disappeared. (alenxa joked that we’d find it as soon as we bought a new one, but it still hasn’t surfaced.)
2. A cordless mouse.

Oh, and some DVDs that Katie picked up sometime around March or so, but I don’t know if she swiped the card or gave them the number.

So… is that all it takes to be one of Best Buy’s best customers? Buy a couple of items and don’t return them? (Or am I thinking too much of Frys?)

Current Mood: 😕confused