
Stay up ridiculously late, collapse in bed, drop off to sleep. That’s the way it’s supposed to work. Not spend another hour-plus tossing & turning.

I “woke up” his morning unsure of just how long it took me to fall asleep last night, but somehow convinced that all I had to do was look at the modification time on the most recently changed files in… something. My brain, probably.

Then I went back to sleep.

Eventually I woke up and realized that the file timestamp thing was just plain silly. Kind of like the time a few years back that I half-woke up, convinced (probably from an interrupted dream) that I could manipulate reality by altering its HTML code.

Anyway, I know there are people on my friends list who have serious insomnia, and I just want to say: I salute you. I don’t know how you put up with it on a regular basis.

Current Mood: 😴sleepy
Current Music: A radio commercial put the Nutcracker Suite in my head. Grr.


I haven’t been getting nearly enough sleep the last few weeks (weekends excepted) and it’s really starting to catch up.

A few minutes ago I was staring at a web design-related website (I can’t even remember if it was Mezzoblue or A List Apart – I could check by switching over to the other computer, but it emphasizes the point) and my eyes sort of glazed over and I realized just how far into my chair I was slouching.

I decided caffeine was necessary, preferably with sugar. So I trekked to the lunch room only to find the soda machine half-disassembled. I figured I could grab a new box of syrup and put all the pieces back, but since the cabinet was left open I assumed someone was halfway through something and there was some reason it hadn’t been put back together.

So here I am at 4:25 on a Friday afternoon, drinking coffee and eating a candy bar to make sure I stay awake through the last hour of work and the drive home.

Current Mood: 😴sleepy
Current Music: the jet engine whine of the backup tape drive sitting on my desk