Lactic Acid: A Good Thing?

Heard a story on KCRW this morning. Apparently lactic acid might not be responsible for muscle fatigue after all (as my high school biology class taught). The connection was made because lactic acid was found in fatigued muscles, but recent research suggests that it may prevent muscle fatigue. It turns out that if lactic acid is removed from overworked muscle fibers, they actually stop working.

Of course, it is probably responsible for the burn you get while exerting.

(It’s kind of like when I learned that a fever was actually an immune system technique to fight infection, and not something the infection did itself.)

Current Mood: 😕curious

Native Trickster

I Am Coyote
Coyote is a fun-loving goofball and that fits you to a T. Playfully silly, you appear somewhat bumbling at times, and your goofy exterior sometimes makes people forget what a quick mind and razor wit hides behind that amiable grin. In the mythos of the Plains tribes, Coyote is also a Creator, and stole fire as a gift for mankind. Your gift to the world is the creative fire of your quick, capable mind.

Which Trickster Are You?
Take the Trickster Test at

Well, considering that when I hear the word “trickster” my first thought is generally “coyote,” it makes sense…

Current Mood: 🙂amused

The things you see on LJ…

A couple of interesting items:

First, from metaquotes: Posted on the fridge at Xavier’s School for the Gifted (metaquote thread)

Next, sclerotic_rings on prosthetics that don’t just mimic the body, specifically artificial heart pumps designed with the fact the important part isn’t the method by which the heart pumps blood, but the fact that it keeps it circulating. We have plenty of experience with simpler ways to pump fluids than by imitating heart movements, such as, in this case, a constantly rotating impeller. What’s interesting is that people with this pump have no pulse!.

Future Con

Hmmm… a co-worker has informed me that he just made hotel reservations for next year’s Comic Con (this year’s having ended yesterday)… and that some of the nearby hotels are already sold out!

alenxa and I pre-registered for next year’s convention yesterday (avoiding deadline issues and saving $50 over the at-the-door price for a full membership). It might be worth planning further ahead…

Current Mood: 🤔contemplative