Random thoughts

One of our bathroom sinks drains slowly. We’ve had maintenance out time and time again, but no matter what they do, it’s always just a bit slower than usual. Meanwhile, everytime they work on the faucet, its flow increases.

Last night I concluded it must be a water-saving drain. By draining slowly, it encourages you to not to turn the faucet up too far, or to run it too long, thus saving water. Sure, the same thing could be accomplished by just limiting the flow from the faucet, but that would be frustrating. This way you’re involved in the process, so it feels less like you’re being limited.

And on a less silly, but still plumbing-related note, a few nights ago I had an interesting old-habit experience. After loading the dishwasher, I lifted the door while opening the cabinet to get the box of soap. In my parents’ house, these are on a corner, so you can’t actually open the cabinet under the sink without lifting the dishwasher door out of the way. It’s been about 4½ years since I lived there, and countless loads of dishes… and yet the old habit resurfaced.

Current Mood: 🤔contemplative

Searching for quotes

On the drive to work this morning, alenxa pulled a notepad out of the glove compartment and started reading over some of the strange/funny quotes we’ve collected on it. It reminded me that I haven’t updated the quote section of my humor page all year (except for quotes from Comic Con panelists).

We’ve got quotes scattered among several notepads and scraps of paper, our LJs and our shared blog, but the problem is that they’re mainly the two of us. I know other people in our group have said funny things that should be immortalized, we just don’t have them written down anywhere.

So I’m asking for solicitations. If you happened to write something down (on paper, in LJ, wherever) or if you remember it verbatim, please post it here, along with who said it and roughly when. If there’s a good story behind it, feel free to write it up or include a link. Sometime in the next few weeks I’ll collect them and post them online.

Thanks in advance!

Thought for the evening

No, not about the debates. I figure there’s enough talk about those going around.

No, this thought is about a piece of mail, and a brief conversation about it:

kelson: I think we can skip the Phi Beta Kappa scholarship dinner. Not only is it $100 a plate, but it’s the night of Farscape [The Peacekeeper Wars]. Yeah, I know, priorities.

alenxa: “… or worse: expelled!

The annoying one

The annoying commenter is back with more tech support questions. alenxa convinced me I should be more diplomatic in my response, which is probably the right way to go. But I’ve saved the reply I wanted to make, just for its high snark content.

For the record, I don’t mind high-volume commenters if they’re on topic (like Kizi, for instance, who was only really high-volume while catching up on back posts and has settled into a regular-reader-and-commenter mode). I don’t even mind topic drift, but it really annoys me when someone tries to hijack a topic.

Maybe it’s just that I hate doing tech support, particularly when I can’t sit down at the computer and try to figure things out. It’s about 20% knowledge, 30% research skills, and 50% intuition — and that intuition only works if I can mess around with the computer in question. And I do more than enough tech support at work.


After an ad/announcement for an upcoming news story on KCRW about documentary filmmakers:

“…and we’ll have a rare interview with canine star Benji!”

“*arf!* *arf!*”

*headdesk* (if I hadn’t been driving)


I don’t understand the management at our apartment complex. They give us 3 days’ notice that they’ll be trimming the trees on a weekday, and they decide to power-wash our front door on a Sunday afternoon with no notice at all.

Current Mood: 😕confused