Searching for quotes

On the drive to work this morning, alenxa pulled a notepad out of the glove compartment and started reading over some of the strange/funny quotes we’ve collected on it. It reminded me that I haven’t updated the quote section of my humor page all year (except for quotes from Comic Con panelists).

We’ve got quotes scattered among several notepads and scraps of paper, our LJs and our shared blog, but the problem is that they’re mainly the two of us. I know other people in our group have said funny things that should be immortalized, we just don’t have them written down anywhere.

So I’m asking for solicitations. If you happened to write something down (on paper, in LJ, wherever) or if you remember it verbatim, please post it here, along with who said it and roughly when. If there’s a good story behind it, feel free to write it up or include a link. Sometime in the next few weeks I’ll collect them and post them online.

Thanks in advance!