The annoying one

The annoying commenter is back with more tech support questions. alenxa convinced me I should be more diplomatic in my response, which is probably the right way to go. But I’ve saved the reply I wanted to make, just for its high snark content.

For the record, I don’t mind high-volume commenters if they’re on topic (like Kizi, for instance, who was only really high-volume while catching up on back posts and has settled into a regular-reader-and-commenter mode). I don’t even mind topic drift, but it really annoys me when someone tries to hijack a topic.

Maybe it’s just that I hate doing tech support, particularly when I can’t sit down at the computer and try to figure things out. It’s about 20% knowledge, 30% research skills, and 50% intuition — and that intuition only works if I can mess around with the computer in question. And I do more than enough tech support at work.