The things you see on LJ…

A couple of interesting items:

First, from metaquotes: Posted on the fridge at Xavier’s School for the Gifted (metaquote thread)

Next, sclerotic_rings on prosthetics that don’t just mimic the body, specifically artificial heart pumps designed with the fact the important part isn’t the method by which the heart pumps blood, but the fact that it keeps it circulating. We have plenty of experience with simpler ways to pump fluids than by imitating heart movements, such as, in this case, a constantly rotating impeller. What’s interesting is that people with this pump have no pulse!.

One thought on “The things you see on LJ…”

  1. LOL Okay, I’m not getting any sleep tonight. Thanks for the link though. That was hilarious! I’ll get to the prosthetics tomorrow…

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