Irvine & Snow

Woodbridge Snow View 1

The whole Santa Ana Mountain range seems to have gotten snow yesterday. I took a detour on the way to work to take some pictures, and ended up on Barranca, where I remembered to stop and take some photos out by the lake at Woodbridge.

Eventually I made it up to a cul-de-sac up on Quail Hill where I took a panoramic photo of the whole area, but I probably won’t be able to stitch it together until evening. I’ve posted a few segments, though.

I’ve been posting the pictures, along with the ones I took of the San Gabriels on Tuesday, in a Flickr photoset.

6 thoughts on “Irvine & Snow”

  1. Post-LASIK, my distance vision isn’t 100% (absence of contacts, etc.), so thank you for confirming what I see out the window! Unbelievable that the snow level got that low!

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