Obama Campaign Headquarters: One Day More

Finally logged onto Facebook after something like 2 months, and one of my friends had posted this.

Genius. Absolute Genius.

(Still trying to figure out whether they used the London or Broadway cast recording of Les Miserables. The most distinctive voices — Valjean and Eponine — were the same. There was a time I would have been able to tell instantly. I think it’s the London cast, but I’m not sure.)

Current Music: One Day More (still in my head)

4 thoughts on “Obama Campaign Headquarters: One Day More”

    1. Yeah, now that I think about it some more, I’m pretty sure that’s Michael Ball as Marius. I don’t think I’d be able to place Javert or even the Thenardiers, though.

      I haven’t listened to this show in waaaay too long. I’ll need to dig out my CSR CDs and import it into iTunes.

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