Coming Up

Things I’m looking forward to in the next few months:

  • Having a new place to live.
  • Going to see Bernadette Peters in concert.
  • Firefox 3 being released (I’ll get to use inline-block on websites!).
  • Our annual trip to Comic-Con.
  • Seeing my name in print as a contributor to The Flash Companion (about the comic character, not the animation format).

Things I’m not looking forward to in the same time period:

  • Getting that new place to live.  All the financial crap and wrangling.
  • Packing everything up to move.  I think I won’t mind the actual moving as much as the packing.
  • The possibility that we might have to move twice, if we manage to buy a place but it isn’t ready for move-in before we have to clear out of this place.
  • Possible shuffling around on projects at work.
Current Mood: 😡stressed

4 thoughts on “Coming Up”

  1. Packing

    I hear you. Every move, I suggest to Jim that we just take all of our stuff outside and burn it on the front lawn. Less to move easy to clean.

  2. Now if you create a Flash desktop companion using Flash that’s a whole other story now, right? ;p

    Wow, congrats on deciding to get a new place! Big decision!
    If you need a move helper, you know where to find me. ;>

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