
It’s amazing how the human mind can hold contradictory ideas in its head at the same time. For instance, I somehow got it into my head this morning that today was Microsoft Patch Tuesday. Despite it being Thursday. Despite me knowing it was Thursday, and planning things accordingly. Eventually I got to the point where I thought, “Hey, wait a minute! Today isn’t the second Tuesday of the month, it’s the first.. Oh, wait… it’s not even Tuesday.”

That simplifies my lunch hour immensely.

Current Mood: 😕confused
Current Music: Harbor, Vienna Teng
Current Location: work

2 thoughts on “Self-deception”

  1. Talk about crossed wires. I missed the Halo 3 midnight launch party by consistently repeating in my head Tuesday midnight to remind myself during the week before. My brain remembered Tuesday alright… just not midnight which means Monday night wait at the door… d’oh

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