Last week my goal for Nanowrimo was to stay right on track. Hit 20K on the 12th, 25K on the 15th, 30K on the 18th. But I realized that the last few days of the month aren’t going to give me much time to write. alenxa and I are going to a concert on the 29th, leaving me only the evening of the 30th to finish the last ~3000 words. Add to that the fact that Nano’s official word counter seems to run a little shorter than OpenOffice’s, and I really need to be aiming for something like 50,500 words.
So my new goal is to finish by the 28th.
For now, that means aiming for 2,000 words a day instead of just 1,700. In some ways it’s easier, since I’ve gotten used to it. But it’s getting a lot harder to sit down and start. I’ll spend all day wanting to get home and start writing, and then I’ll sit down, check my email, read some webcomics, read a couple of blogs… And once I do start writing, I’m letting myself get distracted by web surfing that starts as, say, research on medieval surgery and veers off on a tangent that sucks up an hour reading about the overseas territories of the U.S. (Sometimes, hypertext is not your friend.)
The next few days are going to be tough. Tuesday evening’s out, and I’ve got a project at work due Wednesday that may have me staying late if I can’t figure out the solution earlier. And of course, Thursday afternoon and evening are taken.
I made 32K tonight, though. For the first time, Nano expects me to finish on deadline.
Word Count: 32,101