I think the time change drove people temporarily insane earlier this week. People unaccustomed to driving home in the dark clogged the streets in the evenings from Monday through Wednesday. As a result, alenxa and I didn’t get home until 6:40 on Halloween.
We walked in the door. I immediately turned on all the lights so that it was clear someone was home, then grabbed a large bowl and emptied bags of candy into it. Meanwhile Katie put the finishing touches on her vampire costume: the gloves, cape and fangs that she hadn’t worn on the drive home. We were hurrying, because we could hear a group of trick-or-treaters below, collecting candy from our downstairs neighbors.
Footsteps tromped up the stairs, and the Vampiress was ready. They knocked on the door next to us. No one answered. (Our next-door neighbors had moved out on Friday.) They knocked again. No answer. And they went back downstairs. We heard one of the kids suggest trying the other door, but they didn’t.
I wrote up a “Use Other Door →” sign and taped it on the empty apartment.
In the end, we got a grand total of two groups knocking on our door. Anyone want some extra Skittles and Tootsie Rolls? (Sorry, the Twix bars stay!)