
5:00 on a Friday afternoon is not an appropriate time to think to yourself, “All right! I can finally get started!”

Today was Office clean-up day. I junked a bunch of old, unused computer parts, tried to put more memory in my brand-new computer — which refused to boot until I took the memory out again, cut a bunch of wires from our old phone/network so I could get the crap out of my cubicle (some panels and jacks have been sitting in the corner since we installed the new network, still attached to the wires coming out of the column), answered email, installed the WMF security patch on a bunch of computers, updated software on a couple of servers, dusted the artificial plant, adjusted the paper clips holding the real vine in place, put a bunch of stuff into a cabinet, moved papers around so I could wipe off my desk, made tea, looked through everyone else’s discarded junk for anything usable, shredded some of the old papers, spent an hour trying to un-jam the shredder… with the occasional trip to the web for sanity’s sake.

I think I’m going to just have to send what I’ve got on this review document and come in for an afternoon on the weekend to deal with the actual programming. I was going to stay late anyway today, but how much can I really get done in 1.5 hours?

Current Mood: đŸ˜¡stressed

4 thoughts on “Ugh.”

  1. I hear you. There is something inherently wrong with thinking, “Thank God for the weekend. Now I can work in peace.” =

    Hope the stress lessens.

    1. Thanks. Haven’t gotten nearly as much done as I wanted — either for work or for the game — but caught up on sleep and managed to spend some time just relaxing,* which I think was a big help.

      *In this case, re-reading Dawn Treader and Silver Chair.

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