Woke up early (for a weekend) yesterday and went out to breakfast. As we’d been out last night watching Harry Potter and alenxa was up even later baking cookies and scones for today, this was a more difficult feat than you might imagine…
Spent most of Saturday helping sekl and non_seqvitvr move, with largely the same crowd as the night before. Chances are most of you reading this were there, so there’s not really much point in describing it. We ended up bailing around 7:00 since my brain was starting to shut down.
The plan for the evening was to grab something at Starbucks, get home, at which point I’d go straight to bed while Katie got in a long-delayed round of Puzzle Pirates. It didn’t quite work out that way. First, while packing up the remnants of the home office, she’d found Jim & Stacy’s copy of the “Once More With Feeling” soundtrack. So she fired up the iPod on our drive back, and we listened to our copy. Second, I checked the mail when we got home, and found a box from Amazon… containing the Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Chosen Collection.”
“You won’t believe what showed up in the mail.”
“Um… okay…”
“Wanna watch ‘Once More with Feeling?’”
So we watched the Buffy musical. Then Katie hunted for the outtakes (which are only on some seasons, and the booklets don’t tell you which special features are on which discs, though you can at least tell which discs have special features by picking the ones that only have three episodes) while the caffeine vanished into the ether and my brain slowly turned off again, and I dragged myself to bed at the (for yesterday) late, late hour of 10:00.
Back one more tier of influence
Actually, that’s not entirely true. She didn’t find it — I showed it to her. So technically, I’m indirectly responsible for keeping you up until the uh, wee hours of Saturday night. Wonder what would’ve happened if I had made nothing of it …?
Re: Back one more tier of influence
Ah. I’m sure she said so. I’ll just have to plead the aforementioned fact that my brain was shutting down. 😉