
After sekl

I’m assuming the questions all begin, “Have you ever…”

  • smoked a cigarette – Nope. My lungs have enough problems on their own.
  • smoked a cigar – See above.
  • crashed a friend’s car – No. My parents’ car, on the other hand…
  • stolen a car – No.
  • been in love – Yes.
  • been dumped – Yes. (These two are not entirely unrelated.)
  • been fired – No.
  • been in a fist fight – Not exactly.
  • snuck out of your parent’s house? – Yeah.
  • had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? – Who hasn’t?
  • been arrested? – No.
  • made out with a stranger? – No.
  • gone on a blind date? – No.
  • lied to a friend? – Do answers to memes count?
  • had a crush on a teacher? – Not that I can remember, though I recall some rather attractive TAs in the drama department at UCI.
  • skipped school? – It was a really nice day. I went bike riding through the Newport Back Bay. I got back and found out they’d watched Dr. Strangelove instead of a regular discussion section. Then there was the dance class I kept sleeping through…
  • slept with a co-worker – No.
  • seen someone die – No.
  • been on a plane – Yes.
  • thrown up in a bar? – No.
  • taken painkillers? – Yes.
  • love someone or miss someone right now? – Yes.
  • laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? – Yes.
  • made a snow angel – Yes.
  • played dress up – Yes.
  • cheated while playing a game? – Yes.
  • been lonely? – Yes.
  • fallen asleep at work/school? – Oh, yeah. Early American Literature, right after lunch — just the perfect time for the caffeine and “I’m awake!” of morning to wear off. I would be unable to keep my eyes open, then I’d go back to the dorm for a nap, and be unable to sleep.
  • used a fake ID – No.
  • felt an earthquake – Native Californian. The rest is left as an exercise for the reader.
  • touched a snake – Used to have a pet snake. One day it got out of the terrarium and we never saw it again. After a few months, rumors spread of a giant snake roaming the countryside, preying on the unaware, and… uh, never mind.
  • ran a red light – Zoned out once riding my bike home from school. And got a ticket.
  • been suspended from school? – No.
  • had detention? – Once, in fourth grade.
  • been in a car accident – See answer to #3.
  • witnessed a crime? – I don’t think so, unless you count witnessing underage drinking.
  • pole danced? – Uh, let me think…. NO!
  • been lost? – Yep.
  • been to the opposite side of the country? – Several times. Just haven’t been to much of the area in between.
  • felt like dying? – Yep.
  • cried yourself to sleep? – Yep.
  • played cops and robbers? – Yep. Usually with squirt guns and spray bottles (this was the pre-super-soaker era)
  • sung karaoke? – Yep.
  • done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? – Oh, yeah.
  • laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? – I don’t think so.
  • caught a snowflake on your tongue? – Nope. I’ve only been in falling snow once, and it was just a flurry.
  • sang in the shower? – Yep.
  • had a dream that you married someone? – Yes.
  • got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? – No.
  • worn the opposite sex’s clothes – Just once, for a polaroid scavenger hunt, where one of the points was for the entire group wearing skirts.
  • sat on a roof top? – Possibly.
  • didn’t take a shower for a week? – Annual week-long camping trip when I was a scout.
  • scared to watch scary movies? – I remember peeking through my hands during the lightsaber battle in The Empire Strikes Back. Of course, I was four at the time.
  • played chicken? – No.
  • been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? – No, but I jumped in once for a merit badge.
  • been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? – I think I would remember that.
  • broken a bone? – Yep, the first time I tried to jump a curb on my bike. From then on I stuck to driveways.
  • been easily amused? – I’m filling this out, aren’t I?
  • laughed so hard you cried? – Yep.
  • cried so hard you laughed? – Not that I recall, but it’s possible.
  • mooned/flashed someone? – Nope.
  • cheated on a test? – Nope.
  • forgotten someone’s name? – Oh, yeah.
  • slept naked? – Do you really want to know?
  • skinny dipping in a pool? – Nope.
  • been kicked out of your house? – Nope.
  • blacked out from drinking? – Nope.
  • played a prank on someone? – Yep.
  • gone to a late night movie? – Several. Once I got home from Thanksgiving dinner and went out to see a midnight movie with my then-girlfriend. Unfortunately it was Alien: Resurrection, but at least it was the right kind of audience.
Current Mood: 😉weird