SUV, backwards, propped up against the bridge railing with its front crushed, flanked by police cars with lights flashing. Police interviewing (I assume) the driver. Up ahead maybe 50 feet, a stopped BMW with its hazard lights on and no obvious damage. Bits of safety glass scattered all over the road, clattering on the bottom of the car as I drive past.
5 thoughts on “Return to the Ramp of Doom”
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New theory. This ramp is the SUV equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle. Aliens kidnap the SUV, perform experiments on it, and then have a difficult time getting returning the vehicle to its exact time and space.
Glad you weren’t impacted.
Hah! Given the number of them that have been facing the wrong direction by the time it stopped, I’m not sure it would surprise me…
Very poetic. I especially like the line describing the safety glass. The word “clattering” signifies such clamor and peace at the same time, indication of the chaos before and the peace that is hoped to succeed it now that all is contained. A+ ;p
Thanks! It didn’t start out with poetic intent (it was more that it took me until at least 10am to fully regain consciousness, which made tracking down missing AIX memory test programs a bit tricky), but I did notice I’d written in a consistent style by the end of the paragraph. (Hmm, is a collection of sentence fragments properly a paragraph?)
Don’t know, but it worked well as a story once upon a time.