Saved by the gPhone

The last several times I’ve gotten my car washed, it’s always been less than 48 hours before a rainstorm. (Which gives you an idea of how long I tend to put off getting it washed.) And it really needs it again. I’d planned to get it before work last Friday, but didn’t make it, and figured I’d take care of it this morning after dropping alenxa off at work. (Which was an adventure in itself, mainly because neither of us realize how mind-bogglingly bad the 55 south is during morning rush hour.) Then I realized I hadn’t checked the weather forecast this morning.

Well, yesterday I finally talked myself into getting a T-Mobile G1 (I’ve posted my first impressions of the phone at K2R). One of the apps I’d installed pulls data from the Weather Channel. It took me about 15 seconds to discover there was a 70% chance of rain tomorrow.


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