Running Around

Sunday was mostly errands — replacing the lost rice cooker (In the rush to clear things out of the old apartment, I walked into the kitchen 3 or 4 times to grab or check things, saw a box sitting in an open cabinet, thought “I need to grab that on the next trip,” and promptly forgot about it each time), getting stakes to train the morning glories in the backyard to curl around something other than the patio furniture, getting a new welcome mat (which of course was missing a label, the last one on the shelf, and wasn’t actually on the shelf, so we had to guess which empty bin it was and convince the clerk that it was the correct one), etc. Groceries.

I also launched a new comics-focused blog to go with my Flash website. I’d started posting news on the front page, and wanted to simplify management, and realized I was basically building a mini-blog already. And then there was that domain name I picked up last year and couldn’t figure out what to do with. I had some other stuff I wanted to finish first, but I kept running into news items I wanted to post, and figured it would be better to have them on an actual blog. So I set up a new copy of WordPress, pointed to it, picked a suitable theme and and put together a few posts to get things started.