Fracky Friday

Poll: Favorite made-up swear word

What’s your favorite censor-friendly expletive?

  • Frack – 4
  • Frag
  • Frell – 3
  • Grife
  • Gorram
  • Mrifk
  • Slag
  • Smeg
  • Tanj
  • Belgium
Current Music: Vienna Teng, My Medea (in head)

2 thoughts on “Fracky Friday”

  1. Frell gets monged into such phrases as “Frelling hell” and the ever popular “Do you know what the frell you’re doing?” It’s fairly gentle in use, usually replacing screwed or hell, and sometimes both.

    Frack is just a great all-purpose word that functions best as a standalone phrase. It works even as a mantra. Frackity-frackity-frack-frack-frack.

    Alien Nation used slag as a racial epithet, so I don’t imagine it gets much use among rabid sci-fi fans of a certain generation.

    Gorram has such wonderful potential, but I think it lacks the Anglo-Saxon use of the F sound when things go pear-shaped. Forram might have been used quite a bit more.

    1. I’d forgotten about the use of “slag” in Alien Nation. I pulled it from TV Tropes’ list of unusual euphemisms when I decided I wanted to extend the list a bit, and found it mentioned for its use in Transformers. (The page points out that one of the Dinobots is actually named Slag, which is a bit odd. Though there was that one character in Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina who explained the name he’d chosen for himself was a very naughty word in his native language: it meant “cold food.”)

      Frackity-frackity-frack-frack-frack sounds like it should be a sound effect for some kind of machinery!

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