We did it!
First, a big round of thanks to wayens and andrea_wot for their help throughout the morning and afternoon, and to alenxa’s father who pitched in by adding a trip with the van. I don’t know how we would have managed without them. I mean, it was a nightmarish process as it was!
Some problems:
- We vastly underestimated the amount of stuff we’d accumulated over the last 7 years in one place.
- Late Friday night, alenxa started feeling dizzy and unsteady. Fortunately it passed by morning.
- Between #1 and #2, we weren’t done packing when the movers arrived, or when Wayne or Andrea arrived to help.
- For the same reasons, neither of us got more than a couple of hours sleep the night before.
- Around the same time the movers showed up, I started feeling dizzy and had to sit on the couch hyperventilating with a glass of water, occasionally folding a box lid because that was something I could do. (We still can’t figure out what gave us both the exact same illness/reaction, several hours apart.)
- It was a really hot day, roughly 95°F (though at least it wasn’t humid).
The movers were here about twice as long as anticipated. By early afternoon we told them to just load the rest of the furniture and big items, and we’d come back for the rest later in the day. Even then, we ended up wrapping up just under the wire. The leasing office at the old place said they were open until 7, but they were locked up at 6:55. I knocked on the door, called & left a message, and eventually went around to the back door and knocked there before someone let me in to give them their keys.
We got the bedroom & computers mostly set up Saturday night (bed = critical, and we had AT&T coming out on Sunday morning to set up the Internet), and we’re starting on the kitchen. The living room, at the moment, is mainly a box storage facility with a path from the front door to the back of the place, but that will change as we go through and start putting things where they belong, or moving them out to storage, or getting rid of them entirely (since we ran out of time to seriously sort things beforehand).
Unfortunately this destroys my nefarious Indy-a-night plan for the week, since we don’t have room to sit on the couch or see the TV.
Glad you got it done – congrats!
Sorry I missed your call about Prince Caspian yesterday; I was home, my phone was one, but it was in another room and I must have missed the call. Since I was home, I didn’t think to check for messages until this morning. Oops.
Ah, well. So, what are your thoughts on Indiana Jones?
Sounds good! When and where?
Cool! We were talking about prob. Friday or Saturday, maybe Sunday. Neither of us wants to mess with standing in line opening night. I wonder how many of the usual suspects we can round up for this…