
Off to Wizard World Los Angeles tomorrow. At first alenxa wasn’t interested and I wasn’t sure — we’d just been to WonderCon last month, after all. Eventually I figured I might as well go. It is the closest comics convention to where we live. Then the con managed to get a certain actor to show up for the Heroes panel, so it’s going to be both of us.

With luck it will be a bit more… alive than last year (though admittedly, I went on a Sunday last year), but not be too crowded.

2 thoughts on “Khaaaaan!!!!”

    1. I hope so! Tonight I need to put together a collection of stuff to get signed, assuming I can actually identify the artists.

      On the plus side it should be easier to get to the convention this year. I looked at the calendar, and the only other thing they’ve got tomorrow is a Seventh Day Adventist event which doesn’t start until 3pm. So if we get there between 10 and 11, we should only have other WWLA people (and cars) to deal with.

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