Anyone got Mac OS XP?

Remember the client with the clueless offsite developer? I just got a new one.

Apparently their developer was asking whether we’re running MySQL Server 2005. The problem is, there is no such thing. MySQL doesn’t do years, they do outline-style numbers with the Major.Minor.Patch scheme, so they’re currently on 5.0.51a.

Now, Microsoft does use years for their SQL server, and there is in fact a Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

I wouldn’t expect the general public to know this, but a web developer who works on database driven sites using MySQL ought to have a bit of a clue.

Normally, I’d chalk it up to a momentary lapse, lack of sleep, lack of coffee, etc. But this client’s developer has previously demonstrated a lack of knowledge in areas critical to his supposed expertise.

Current Mood: 🙂amused


Off to Wizard World Los Angeles tomorrow. At first alenxa wasn’t interested and I wasn’t sure — we’d just been to WonderCon last month, after all. Eventually I figured I might as well go. It is the closest comics convention to where we live. Then the con managed to get a certain actor to show up for the Heroes panel, so it’s going to be both of us.

With luck it will be a bit more… alive than last year (though admittedly, I went on a Sunday last year), but not be too crowded.