
Still trying to repair fallout from yesterday’s power outage.

I won’t go into the full litany, but after the garden-variety power-back-up issues, it mostly comes down to 2 servers and a bizarre network problem. 1 box fixed yesterday afternoon. Network problem popped up & fixed this morning. Still working on the other box.

Oh, and also things breaking that (in theory) weren’t affected. WTF?


Current Mood: 😡frustrated

4 thoughts on “Break(age)”

  1. Metooism causes this to happen. Other pieces of equipment feel excluded from their rightful place in the drama.

    At least that’s the best theory we had when PG&E screwed up back in 2002 and cut my company off…and then our back up generator failed. 3 days without power. It was bizarre.

        1. Sorry, I was trying to say that the components that failed randomly (despite having steady power all through the experience) were similar to some of the components that failed after losing power.

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