Almost Rosey

After andrea_wot and concurrent with alenxa

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.

What does next year have in store for me?
“Don’t Point, Don’t Scare it,” Butterfly Boucher
Hmm, a chance to get away from it all with alenxa?

What’s my love life like?
“Whatever You Want,” Vienna Teng
Are we going by the title, or the song? ’Cause the title is nice, if a bit optimistic, but the lyrics have an unpleasant subtext to them. (Fun fact: I hadn’t actually listened to this one before.)

What do I say when life gets hard?
“Perfectly Still,” Gin Blossoms
Their visual acuity is based on motion. They can’t see you if you don’t move.

What do I think when I get up in the morning?
“Let’s Play Two,” Gin Blossoms
Yeah, two more rounds with the snooze, please!

What song will I dance to at my wedding?
“6th Avenue Heartache,” Wallflowers
Is it a prerequisite for this one to always turn up something wildly inappropriate? (For the record, it was “All I Want Is You” by U2.)

What do you want as a career?
“Everything Had Changed,” Barenaked Ladies
I can’t come up with anything career-related in this, unless it’s something where I can retreat and not talk to anyone (or at least not have to do any tech support!)

Your favorite saying?
“Rest in Peace,” from Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Once More With Feeling
<insert quote from show here>

Favorite place?
“The Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine,” Simon & Garfunkel.
Sounds like the Internet to me — sadly, it’s now thoroughly stocked with the commercialism they were parodying in the song.

What do you think of your parents?
“I Think I’m Paranoid,” Garbage
Thankfully, not appropriate at all. And I’m not just saying that because they might be reading this.

Where would you go on a first date?
“Human,” Pretenders
Yes, I’d definitely start with someone human.

Describe yourself?
“Supervixen,” Garbage
Um… no, I’m not that egotistical. (Never mind the gender swap.) Though I’ve always liked the use of dynamics in the song, with at least 3 different volume levels and points where it just stops unexpectedly, waiting for the impact to sink in beore picking up again.

What is the thing I like doing most?
“Move On,” from the show Sunday in the Park With George
Hmm, a song about overcoming mental blocks to create art. Yeah, I’ll go with that.

What is my state of mind like at the moment?
“2003,” Nina Gordon
Planning for the future, but stuck in the past?

How will I die?
“Beauty and the Beast (Phantom’s Theme),” from the movie Phantom of the Paradise
Apparently I’ll go crazy when someone steals my life’s work, then haunt them until I kill us both. (Coincidentally, we just watched it a couple of weeks ago.)

Either that, or (per “like a circus on parade”) I’ll go out like the lead in Corteo.

The song you’ll put as the subject of this entry?
“Almost Rosey,” Tori Amos
Come, board this lunatic express.

Time to call it a night…

Current Mood: 😴tired
Current Music: Almost Rosey, Tori Amos