Last night we got the biggest Halloween crowd we’ve had in years. Which isn’t saying much, since it was only around a dozen kids, but I think there were a couple of big groups that collided, because about 6 or 7 of them showed up at the same time. alenxa redid her Sylar Victim makeup, and scared some of the kids. (One actually asked, “Does that hurt?”) After that first round, she stayed in the back room and I handed out the candy.
Since I was up late anyway last night (making sure everything on the laptop worked after upgrading to Leopard), decided to get an early start on Nanowrimo after midnight rolled around. Only jotted down 135 words (including the title & byline), but it’s a start. Then I spent too much time looking around the site for counting tools and such. Should’ve gone to bed as soon as I stopped writing. I’ll probably be blogging progress reports over at K2R this year, instead of here. Haven’t decided for sure yet. Here’s my profile.
Pushing Daisies continues to be fun. Anyone else here watching it?
We watch it! Though we haven’t watched the most recent episode yet…
I like it a lot, though its primary strength is how eccentric it is and I wonder whether it’s going to be sort of one-note, or if it will continue to be novel, you know?
Well, they’re at least exploring the characters and letting relationships develop, rather than keeping them static at the point where they were at the end of the pilot. That’s a mark in their favor.
I love it – it’s cute!