Writing 1666 words a day is hard. Writing 1800-2500 or more because you’ve fallen behind is harder. Throw in work, traffic, voting, food, and other plans, and it gets really hard.
The last time I got a good night’s sleep was Saturday. I missed my chance to write Sunday morning, and a trip to see a movie turned into an all-day event, so I didn’t get started until evening. I think I was up until 1:30. Monday evening was a marathon session, and I think I finished around midnight. Tuesday I didn’t get a chance to start until 11pm, and I was determined to get at least a few paragraphs down, which turned into a couple of pages. 12:30? 1:00?
It’s taking its toll.
Today I skipped my weekly trip to the comic store during lunch hour, because I knew I wouldn’t have time to read anything tonight. alenxa and I were contemplating grabbing coffee on the way home, but eventually decided to skip the Flashback Feature showing of Dr. Strangelove and just put it on Netflix. Even though we were home, we still taped Lost as both of us went into writing mode.
I broke 10,000 words today, the 20% mark. And I added some more characters, which will help me figure out what’s actually going on in the middle of the story. I figured out where it’s going Sunday night, but how it gets there is still pretty nebulous. I managed to do some good character bits today that actually set up a scene I’d already written better than what I had before.
I’m not quite on track, but I’m getting there. I think I’ll take a cue from Girl Genius and describe it as Doom Level: Middling. Goal identified, but still determining course. Almost caught up with word count. Major sleep debt, but finally getting to bed before midnight.
Crap, I need to figure out what’s going on with the villain. So far I don’t know any more than the main characters do, and they don’t know much.
Word Count: 11471