
Official NaNoWriMo 2006 WinnerAbout 15 minutes before Veronica Mars, I finished a scene and checked my word count. It was 50,145. A few days ago, when I checked the offset between OpenOffice’s word counter and NaNoWriMo’s word counter, I calculated that it would be about 144 words off at 50K. I figured, what the heck. I saved it to a text file, scrambled the letters as directed, and uploaded it.

50,000 exactly. I have officially completed National Novel Writing Month.

I have no illusions as to the quality of those 50,000 words. But it’s only a first draft. I’ve never written a first draft of a novel before, so that’s pretty cool!

The main things I’ve learned are:

  1. I actually can sit down with no idea of what I’m going to write and come up with characters and a story.
  2. Discussing writing issues with another writer (i.e. alenxa), even in vague terms, can help solve problems and crystallize ideas.
  3. When I really get going, I can write about 800 words an hour (at least on the computer)
  4. I can actually sustain a story over ~110 pages.
  5. I need to do a lot more research on medieval Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and snow.
  6. Writing follows a bell curve: it’s hard to come up with ideas when you’re starting out, gets easier in the middle as you start running with things, and when you get near the end, it’s hard to pull everything together and wrap it up. (added)

Next step: sleep. After that, start revising, and figure out how soon I’m willing to let beta readers see it.

Current Mood: 😴tired

Quote of the Day

Me: Oh, that’s too many syllables for this character!
Katie: What are you trying to replace?
Me: Sanctimonious.

By writing like a madman over the Thanksgiving weekend, I’ve managed to get ahead of the goal, and complete a 47,000-word novel. Unfortunately I need a 50,000-word novel, so I’m going back and looking for things that I glossed over the first time through. There are a couple of spots where I knew I needed more scenes to show character changes, so that’s where I’m going to be focusing.

Still, I’ve got three evenings to write 3,000 words and be done by the 28th, with Thursday as a safety valve. But given the occasional outages at the Nanowrimo website this weekend, I don’t want to take any chances.

Word Count: 47037

Current Mood: accomplished

Getting ahead.

Last week my goal for Nanowrimo was to stay right on track. Hit 20K on the 12th, 25K on the 15th, 30K on the 18th. But I realized that the last few days of the month aren’t going to give me much time to write. alenxa and I are going to a concert on the 29th, leaving me only the evening of the 30th to finish the last ~3000 words. Add to that the fact that Nano’s official word counter seems to run a little shorter than OpenOffice’s, and I really need to be aiming for something like 50,500 words.

So my new goal is to finish by the 28th.

For now, that means aiming for 2,000 words a day instead of just 1,700. In some ways it’s easier, since I’ve gotten used to it. But it’s getting a lot harder to sit down and start. I’ll spend all day wanting to get home and start writing, and then I’ll sit down, check my email, read some webcomics, read a couple of blogs… And once I do start writing, I’m letting myself get distracted by web surfing that starts as, say, research on medieval surgery and veers off on a tangent that sucks up an hour reading about the overseas territories of the U.S. (Sometimes, hypertext is not your friend.)

The next few days are going to be tough. Tuesday evening’s out, and I’ve got a project at work due Wednesday that may have me staying late if I can’t figure out the solution earlier. And of course, Thursday afternoon and evening are taken.

I made 32K tonight, though. For the first time, Nano expects me to finish on deadline.

Word Count: 32,101

Current Mood: 😴tired

Escaping the Jungle

Or, rather, the jungle escaped.

Management finally got around to painting the new balcony this week. As you may recall, we had to clear everything off two days before Halloween, filling a corner of our living room with plants, gardening supplies, and patio furniture for what was supposed to be a three-day construction project. They tore everything out that Monday or Tuesday, and had the new balcony up by Wednesday…but then they didn’t paint it until two weeks later. (The leasing office told me that the paint was being shipped from Texas, so they had to wait for the paint to show up.)

It’s nice to have the space back. And it’s nice that we’ll be able to water all the plants without balancing acts worthy of tightrope walkers, or stretches worthy of Plastic Man. And the new balcony does seem to be better constructed than the last one.

When we moved in, we had a rickety, termite-infested balcony. The apartment complex changed hands, and one of the many things the new owners did was to replace the balconies. Of course, they told us to clear everything off in November, then changed their minds and decided to wait until January to do anything. And when they did put them up, they didn’t bother with things like properly-treated wood for outdoor use, and sap oozed out of the floorboards for months. Then the complex changed hands again. And the new new owners decided the balconies needed to be replaced again. They seem to have used the right materials for the structural elements. The floors feel more solid, and the boards are placed more closely together. But we think they reused some of the boards on the non-structural parts. We saw sap oozing from one of the railings as we placed our bench against one side.

The more things change…


I didn’t get much written yesterday, but I made up for it today, and passed the 25,000 word mark right on schedule. I am now just over the half-way mark.

A subplot jumped out at me on Monday, and while it’s slowing the A plot down, it seems to be working into things that need to happen for both the A and B plots.

Word Count: 25,032

Writing Weekend

Mostly random stuff this morning. Read some comics. Finished Callahan’s Cross-Time Saloon. Errands in the afternoon. Late lunch at Ruby’s, which always lends itself to not needing dinner that night. Weather went from warm and sunny to gloomy and cool during lunch.

Picked up writing early evening. My goal is to hit 20,000 words by the end of the weekend, which should put me on track (20K/50K = 12d/30d = 40%). Looks like I can make it.

Concluded that the progress gauge I’ve been using here is either using something other than time to determine the goal, or just plain b0rked. It went from 13,105 yesterday to 12,896 today. Maybe it’s based on average words/day or something.

It’s odd to be writing with the only goal being word count. But it’s also oddly liberating. That’s kind of gone down now, since I’ve been establishing a world and characters, and at the very least I have to keep things more or less consistent. I guess it’s the freedom to mess up. It doesn’t matter if what I write is crap. As long as I finish it, I can revise it as much as I want later.

I had a bit of conflict insert itself into the story today. Completely unintended, but the character was acting grumpy, and started explaining why. In such a way that’s going to make things complicated for a while.

One of the big problems I’ve been having since I started to see the overall shape is that the stuff I have the best handle on comes near the end of the story. I’m enough out of practice to not have a sense of how long it’ll take to get there, but I want to get a sense of where the characters are before I start writing too far ahead.

Word Count: 17415

Full quarter

Managed ~1600 words and passed the 25% mark in Nano. Which is probably silly to play up, since it’s so close to the 20% mark that I hit yesterday. Still, from 1/5 to 1/4. Next milestone at 1/3. Unfortunately to be on track I ought to hit it by the end of the day tomorrow, and I’ve got ~3500 to go. On the plus side, I’ve got a no-plans weekend to do some catching up. (Oddly enough, the progress gauge seems to think I’m ahead 17 words. I’m not sure how it came up with a goal of 13,105 words based on 9 or 10 days, when the ultimate goal is 50,000 in 30.)

Somehow I was convinced all day today that it was, well, yesterday. This showed up in a number of things, such as forgetting that I needed to update a website for work, and thinking that 1/4 would be on schedule for today. Grumble. Watching Lost on Thursday and Veronica Mars on Wednesday can’t have helped matters.

Word Count: 13,122

NaNO Sleep

Writing 1666 words a day is hard. Writing 1800-2500 or more because you’ve fallen behind is harder. Throw in work, traffic, voting, food, and other plans, and it gets really hard.

The last time I got a good night’s sleep was Saturday. I missed my chance to write Sunday morning, and a trip to see a movie turned into an all-day event, so I didn’t get started until evening. I think I was up until 1:30. Monday evening was a marathon session, and I think I finished around midnight. Tuesday I didn’t get a chance to start until 11pm, and I was determined to get at least a few paragraphs down, which turned into a couple of pages. 12:30? 1:00?

It’s taking its toll.

Today I skipped my weekly trip to the comic store during lunch hour, because I knew I wouldn’t have time to read anything tonight. alenxa and I were contemplating grabbing coffee on the way home, but eventually decided to skip the Flashback Feature showing of Dr. Strangelove and just put it on Netflix. Even though we were home, we still taped Lost as both of us went into writing mode.

I broke 10,000 words today, the 20% mark. And I added some more characters, which will help me figure out what’s actually going on in the middle of the story. I figured out where it’s going Sunday night, but how it gets there is still pretty nebulous. I managed to do some good character bits today that actually set up a scene I’d already written better than what I had before.

I’m not quite on track, but I’m getting there. I think I’ll take a cue from Girl Genius and describe it as Doom Level: Middling. Goal identified, but still determining course. Almost caught up with word count. Major sleep debt, but finally getting to bed before midnight.

Crap, I need to figure out what’s going on with the villain. So far I don’t know any more than the main characters do, and they don’t know much.

Word Count: 11471

Current Mood: šŸ™exhausted