We went out to the Spectrum on Friday to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. alenxa dressed up for the occasion, in the latest variation of her pirate costume.
As you can see, she was far from the only pirate in line. Two groups ahead of us there were about 5 or six people in full pirate regalia, who swelled to around a dozen, some quite elaborate, by the time the line let in. Once their whole group was there, they got someone to take a group photo.
Oh, on the subject of those cosplay photos from Comic-Con… the 2004 set has gotten a lot of hits from people searching for Elizabeth Swann costume. PageRank can do funny things…
Avast ye scurvy scum! Excellent costume.
gasean seemed to think that the movie was to the original what Empire was to A New Hope. What did you think?
Re: Arrr
It hadn’t occurred to me, but now that you mention it, that fits quite well. Break up the group as they adventure separately, bring them together near the end for some swordfighting, leave the main rogue apparently lost, and set up at the end to go look for him.
I liked the film a lot, but near the end I started seeing “TO BE CONTINUED” written over every scene. I wasn’t expecting it, so it bothered me, but I doubt it’ll still be an issue on the second viewing.
Re: Arrr
One more thing: about 3/4 through the movie I thought to myself, “This is what happens when you take every genre cliche you can think of and put it in one movie.” I’d thought the same thing about Van Helsing, but these guys managed to do it right.