4 thoughts on “Yo ho ho! (hold the rum)”

    1. Well, there was only one group in each of the two lines, but it was also only around 1:00. I’m tempted to drive by the place after work and see what the lines look like now.

      Good luck getting decent seats!

      1. I’d love to see how many people are dressing up for the opening. Almost went to see for myself on X-Men day. Cyclops!

  1. We showed up at 10 and they laughed at us for being so early. Then they proceeded to render the line totally pointless, making sure that every asshole who wasn’t in line, but just lurking by the door, got in before everyone else who had been sitting in line. also, people from the back of the line started running forward while we were all still waiting, pretending to be people from the theater that they WERE leaving in. also, they didn’t even TELL us when they started letting our theater in, the only reason i knew was because daniel went up and asked them. wtf. 🙁

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