I received an email from the UCI donation-seeking apparatus, and the wording just seemed a little off from my own college experience.
Greetings UC Irvine School of Humanities alum!
Uh, close. I did start in Humanities, but I graduated in Arts and ICS. Next!
The University of California, Irvine would like to invite you to think back to your time as a student.
As I recall, I always thought of it as “UCI.” But please, continue.
Do you remember the excitement of attending athletic games?
Uh, no. Not even a lack of excitement so much as a lack of attending any games.
Or the amazement you felt while learning from one of our distinguished professors?
Okaaay… Unless you mean “amazed” in the sense of “I’m amazed he walked out of the house this morning in that crazy tie,” I’m beginning to think we attended two different schools.
Help us preserve these memories by donating to the Annual Fund. Your generous contributions make dreams a reality and turn memories into personal testimonies of how UCI has impacted its students.
Ah, now we get to it! You need help preserving your memories! Though I see you did manage to get all three variations on the school name in here. It would be great for writing searchable copy for the web, but in an email message, I’m not sure what it accomplishes.
Yes…the imapacts, I remember those well. Twice in the parking garage Jim was hit by someone sharking for a space so desperately, they rear-ended the hand about to feed them.
Ah the memories.
Ugh. Because God forbid that they have to park one floor higher.