I got in the car to go to lunch today, and noticed something sitting on the cup holder in front of the dashboard: the rear-view mirror.
I tried to stick it back to the window, but wasn’t confident that it would stay. Rather than risk it falling off in the middle of driving, I pulled it off again (too easily) and set it on the chair.
On another note, I was standing in line at Robeks when someone behind me asked, “What part are you at?” I said something eloquent like, “Huh?” and he repeated the question, at which point I realized he was referring to HBP, which I was holding in my left hand… without the dust jacket, and with the spine facing downward. He had to have recognized it solely by its size and the color of the cover.
You were reading HBP in line? Very devout. ;p
And ouch to the rearview. Hope you fix it soon.
Not actually reading it, just carrying it. Which made me really surprised that the guy recognized it.
As for the mirror, I stopped by an auto parts store and grabbed some appropriate glue. I’m off now to scrape off the remnants of the old gel and reattach it.