Caffeinated Efficiency

I just went into the lunch room to get a cup of coffee and a cup of water. Why go the lunch room twice when I can carry both at once? One of my co-workers was in there, getting… a cup of coffee and a cup of water.

3 thoughts on “Caffeinated Efficiency”

    1. Well, that depends: does the coffee cool down enough to drink first, or does the water warm up enough? (It’s refrigerated.)

      Seriously, though, the coffee. Water will rinse out the coffee aftertaste, but the coffee won’t rinse out the water aftertaste. Er. Something like that.

      Though my co-worker downed his water right there and tossed the paper cup in the trash on the way out the door, taking the coffee back to his desk.

      1. but the coffee won’t rinse out the water aftertaste

        Hmm…depends on if you’re drinking bottled water or tap water in the Central Valley. 😉

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