Morning – what’s so good about it?

Insufficient sleep.

30 minutes to drive the 7.5 miles to work. The 405 was so bad I decided to take University to Alton, which would have been fine except for the construction on University, where they stopped all traffic one car ahead of me so that construction workers could run a cable diagonally across the intersection, then hand it to a guy in a crane who lifted it up to the top of the opposite pole, at which point they all started pulling to raise it above the level of traffic. Which was at least interesting, even if it did slow down my commute.

So I arrive at work, and the monitor on my desk is showing not the blackness of a sleeping video display, but a blue screen starting out “STOP 0x00000a”. Yeah, just the way I want to start my morning, fixing my computer. It at least booted afterward, but it apparently didn’t get very far in the defragmenting I started before I left last night. For all I know the defragmenting caused it.

Fortunately I have two computers at my desk, so I can work on server admin stuff on the Linux box while the Windows box defrags. Or tries to.

2 thoughts on “Morning – what’s so good about it?”

  1. Gah. Jim defragged the Dell and we got like 2GB of space out of the deal. Not bad, but it sure felt like a waste of an afternoon.

    1. I didn’t even care about space. I’ve got a 60GB drive on that machine and I don’t think I’ve ever used as much as 5. But the machine has gotten SLOW lately.

      (2-paragraph-and-counting rant about Norton Antivirus and Cold Fusion being resource hogs deleted.)

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