Organizing Comics

I finally got around to reorganizing my way-too-many boxes of comics. Mainly I had a bunch of stuff on the top layer I hadn’t looked at in months and a bunch of stuff in the middle layer I kept dragging out, but I also found a bunch of comics I don’t want to keep anymore…

…including my entire Transformers collection.

I’m giving my friends first crack at those, and the rest of it (including the stuff left over from the last few clean-out rounds) is up on my website.

If you’re interested in any of the following (or anything at the above link), let me know:

List of Transformers comics up for grabs


One of the *ahem* “perks” of registering to vote as “decline to state” is that you get political propaganda from all sides. But this is far beyond anything I’ve seen before.

Someone from the NRCC Business Advisory Council called me, at work, to invite me to the “annual dinner with President Bush.” (Not surprisingly, the NRCC is the National Republican Congressional Committee.)

Someone really missed the boat on that research.

(Meanwhile, having looked at their website, I’m trying to figure out how an agenda can be both progressive and conservative.)

Admittedly, the Democratic party doesn’t line up perfectly with my ideals either, but they seem bigger on things like civil liberties, good citizenship (at home and internationally), consumer rights, and—in a bizarre twist—financial responsibility than the Republicans are these days, and the Libertarian party is too far on the “business can do no wrong” side to be taken seriously. Even small-l libertarianism doesn’t work for me: while I like the idea of small government, I also like the idea of government-as-watchdog, making sure businesses don’t totally screw us over. (Even then, they can go too far, like the eternal cries of “Comic books/movies/TV/video games are corrupting our youth!” that never stop, just jump to a new medium every decade or so.)

I suspect I will eventually find a party I agree with, but there will only be three other members, none of whom want to run for office.

Ramp of Doom Update

I keep forgetting to post about it, but last week there was another car accident on the Ramp of Doom. This time, as I drove up and around the cloverleaf, there was an SUV stopped several feet down the slope inside the curve, at such an angle that I just couldn’t figure out what enabled it to stay put, with a police accident investigation unit crawling around the area.

What’s interesting is that all the accidents I’ve seen (with the possible exception of the multi-car pile-up, in which case I don’t remember what type of vehicles were involved) have involved SUVs. Maybe it’s just statistical likelihood given what’s popular to drive, or maybe it’s the high center of gravity like sekl suggested.