Webcomic Condensation

A few months ago, I read six or seven webcomics on a daily basis. These days it’s down to two: Something Positive and Queen of Wands. And looking at my bookmarks list, the only other one I feel a desire to catch up on is Real Life, which, now that I’ve been reminded of it, I can’t figure out why I stopped reading. Fortunately a quick trip to the archives shows I’m only three weeks behind…

… okay. *ahem* These days it’s down to three webcomics…

(Bring in… the comfy chair!)

Anyway, I’ll probably head back to Sluggy Freelance once they finish the current interminable Dimension of Pain story. I stopped reading about two months ago and the last time I checked it’s still going.

3 thoughts on “Webcomic Condensation”

    1. Eh, the original DoP storyline was classic. “Agh! I’m burning with goodness again!” And the first few annual Halloween visits were good. But the current storyline… might have been good if it were short. But it’s been several months of double-sized strips, and it started in May. It’s managed to displace Holiday Wars as the most boring, interminable story “evar.”

      1. Okay, I’m definitely hitting response lag.

        The original DoP was pretty good, but I find with the new storylines, I just look at the characters to determine if I’m interested. DoP, pass, Elves, run!!!

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