I dreamed I was working on a Mac version of the Dillo web browser*. But I mixed it with some sort of commercial code, and the resulting program violated the GPL**. The next thing I knew, someone was shooting at me with a machine gun. I kept trying to walk out of a (hotel?) lobby, but every time someone started shooting. At one point they were in a helicopter, at one point they may have just been up in a building across the street, and at one point they were definitely in a hot air balloon. I’d duck back inside, or put up my hands to get them to stop shooting, but every time I walked back out, they started up again.
* An ultra-small, ultra-fast browser that’s low on features, but runs well even on old hardware.
** The GPL (General Public License) basically says “you can use this source code for your own purposes, but if you distribute the result to anyone, you must do so under the GPL.” The result is you can freely mix and match code from other GPLed programs. If you use someone’s GPLed code in a non-approved manner, then nothing gives you permission to use it, which means you’ve just violated copyright. Of course, in that case you’re far more likely to see a “Hey, stop using our code!” letter than a hit man!
You know you’re Open Source when your dreams take the GPL that seriously.
My favorite quote from a marketing guy, “Why do we have this GPL in all our docs, that’s just inviting people to rip us off!”
Yeah, he lasted a lonnnng 3 days…
You know you’re Open Source when your dreams take the GPL that seriously.
Heh. Could be worse, could be an Open Source vs. Free Software war. There’d be trenches and everything. But then, BSD is dying…
My favorite quote from a marketing guy, “Why do we have this GPL in all our docs, that’s just inviting people to rip us off!”
Wow… this guy was aware that you were a Linux company before he interviewed, right?
(P.S. I like the icon! Last week I found some closeout “Penguin Powered” case stickers at CheapBytes. Some of them are old enough they still say LinuxMall.com on them. I’ve been toying with the idea of putting one on the PowerBook just to confuse people.)