Thought for the evening

No, not about the debates. I figure there’s enough talk about those going around.

No, this thought is about a piece of mail, and a brief conversation about it:

kelson: I think we can skip the Phi Beta Kappa scholarship dinner. Not only is it $100 a plate, but it’s the night of Farscape [The Peacekeeper Wars]. Yeah, I know, priorities.

alenxa: “… or worse: expelled!

The annoying one

The annoying commenter is back with more tech support questions. alenxa convinced me I should be more diplomatic in my response, which is probably the right way to go. But I’ve saved the reply I wanted to make, just for its high snark content.

For the record, I don’t mind high-volume commenters if they’re on topic (like Kizi, for instance, who was only really high-volume while catching up on back posts and has settled into a regular-reader-and-commenter mode). I don’t even mind topic drift, but it really annoys me when someone tries to hijack a topic.

Maybe it’s just that I hate doing tech support, particularly when I can’t sit down at the computer and try to figure things out. It’s about 20% knowledge, 30% research skills, and 50% intuition — and that intuition only works if I can mess around with the computer in question. And I do more than enough tech support at work.


After an ad/announcement for an upcoming news story on KCRW about documentary filmmakers:

“…and we’ll have a rare interview with canine star Benji!”

“*arf!* *arf!*”

*headdesk* (if I hadn’t been driving)


I don’t understand the management at our apartment complex. They give us 3 days’ notice that they’ll be trimming the trees on a weekday, and they decide to power-wash our front door on a Sunday afternoon with no notice at all.

Current Mood: 😕confused

Theater action! Too hot for radio!

In light of a recent expurgated version of “You Oughtta Know” played on the radio, alenxa wondered just what else Alanis Morissette might be singing about doing to someone in a theater.

I was originally going to do this as a write-in poll, but then I realized people would be limited to only one suggestion each.

So, fill in the blank: “Would she _______ on you in a theater?”

Be creative. If it doesn’t scan, that’s OK (it’s an Alanis Morissette song, after all), but stick to two beats if you can.

Post your ideas here!

Current Mood: 😉silly


Around 10:00, one of my co-workers asked me about an error message he was seeing every time he booted Windows. It looked related to yesterday’s JPEG security fix (yes, you can now get hacked/infected/etc. just by looking at an image using Microsoft software), so I went to Windows Update.

And then the pop-up ads started. There should not be any advertisements on Windows Update. Clearly something was wrong.

I spent the next 1½ hours removing adware from his computer. Even after removing the obvious bits through the control panel (some of which left pieces behind), Norton found 21 different pieces of adware, including a program whose sole purpose is to surreptitiously download and install new adware while no-one’s looking, and several programs that claim to block pop-ups, but actually generate them.

Current Mood: 😡annoyed