An interesting angle on the Iraqi prison abuse scandal

Abuse less shocking in light of history

The author compares it to things that have happened in other wars, and looks at it in terms of psychology and sociology research, including our old friend Milgram.

The conclusion seems to be that someone should have seen this coming and put measures in place (clearer orders, stronger accountability, better supervision & training, etc.) to prevent it.


Current Mood: 🙁pessimistic

One thought on “An interesting angle on the Iraqi prison abuse scandal”

  1. I’ve never praised this administration for its foresight. Not that ‘human nature’ excuses animalistic behavior, but humans are technically animals, subject to irrational fight-or-flight instincts brought on by a certain level of stress. We’d like to believe we’re more enlightened and clever now than ever before, but I tend to think there’s been the same broad spectrum of intelligence and introspection among us since the advent of homo sapiens sapiens.

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