First Post!

I finally decided what to do with this account (other than commenting and tracking). I’ve got a fairly long-running group blog with alenxa at K-Squared Ramblings, and I didn’t want to move all my stuff off of that. At the same time, I didn’t want to leave this blank.

After tossing out several options, I’ve decided this is where I’ll post memes and at least some personal stuff (not in the way-too-personal sense, but in the I-don’t-think-anyone-who-doesn’t-already-know-me-will-be-interested sense).

5 thoughts on “First Post!”

  1. Hello Kelson, Andrea’s new journal here. This is the one I’ll be using as a blog (I’m trying AGAIN), so feel free to defriend my Jill fandom one.

    1. He’s a character from Babylon 5.

      Speaking of B5, the final season will be released on DVD next Tuesday. We’ll have a full set!

      And according to rumor, the short-lived spinoff Crusade should also be coming to DVD later this year, along with the remaining spinoff TV movies.

      1. Nice. I still have yet to see a single episode of Babylon 5. Feel up to watching it all over again once we’ve finished Farscape?

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